
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Bar line remains on hide empty staves xavierjazz 12 8 years ago
Forum topic Why cryptic names on recovered files? xavierjazz 0 8 years ago
Forum topic My staff goes the whole page width, help ohdearme 3 8 years ago
Forum topic Brackets around a note. xavierjazz 6 8 years ago
Forum topic Recover Autosave Backup Kiomi 5 8 years ago
Forum topic News from the press Shoichi 2 8 years ago
Issue Hold a note, play other notes. Haoto 3 8 years ago
Issue Add repeat barlines to Repeats & Jumps palette as well as Barlines Isaac Weiss 9 8 years ago
Forum topic Notes Thekherham 3 8 years ago
Forum topic How do i change the palettes connection to notes? KaHei_ 2 8 years ago
Forum topic Consolidate Voices skrillothy 1 8 years ago
Forum topic Text styles edizioneo 71 8 years ago
Issue One kind of grace note in palette chen lung 8 8 years ago
Forum topic Create a tuplet in tempo mark Quoc Dong 9 8 years ago
Forum topic No longer able to playback my pieces. NathanWrites 6 8 years ago
Forum topic Accent touches staff line. xavierjazz 1 8 years ago
Forum topic notes sounding that aren't on the score kentfx 4 8 years ago
Forum topic Tie Over to Second Ending leslielee 6 8 years ago
Forum topic Chord beginning with a flat ChristopherJHa 3 8 years ago
Forum topic Add to a chord should be above note selected rather than top note xavierjazz 0 8 years ago
Forum topic Option for how snap view or jumping works Sean Oliveras 5 8 years ago
Forum topic Exclude staffs in printed score AndreasKågedal 5 8 years ago
Forum topic Need someone with experience Alexander Mitc… 2 8 years ago
Forum topic Measure of the wrong length - one rest too many. abrogard 2 8 years ago
Forum topic Better name for issue tracker or perhaps forums xavierjazz 11 8 years ago