
Issue Certain 2.x frame texts imported with no style, resulting in wrong size etc.
Issue Able to open backup files as an import
Issue Minim tremolo with beam styling
Issue When viewing a part, print tool tip implies score will be printed
Issue Pedal On/Off shouldn't be immediate for compatibility reason
Issue The playback cursor is not repositioned when selecting items other than notes, rests or measures
Issue Tremolo through stem collide with ledger lines
Issue Support command-line building using Visual Studio 2019
Issue Allow setting notehead scheme on a note-by-note basis in the Inspector
Issue Crash when extending note into "let ring" and "Palm Mute"
Issue [Capella import] Add support for importing chord symbols
Issue Staff/Part properties >> Advanced Style Properties >> Stemless crashes MuseScore
Issue ABC plugin not working on macOS 10.14 or later
Issue MuseScore crashes when trying to open a no longer existing score
Issue Midi note-off messages not sent during editing
Issue Midi note-off messages not sent when stopping playback
Issue Diagonal line: End hook can disappear or elongate when Begin hook is set to "None"
Issue Metric modulation dotted eighth to quarter
Issue Accessibility: crash on Palette search with Qt 5.9 and NVDA
Issue CMake creates Microsoft Visual Studio projects with incorrect settings
Issue Crash when glissandos break a certain layout
Issue Crash when deleting a local Time Signature.
Issue Wrong default note group for thirty-second note in 12/8
Issue Chord symbols playback: the chord symbol playback channel in Mixer is shown as "harmony"
Issue Changing "Direction" has no effect on bowing symbols
Issue Name note input shortcuts the same as in the note input tool.
Issue Put the backup file in a separate folder
Issue Crash when realtime automatic reaches end of partition
Issue Crash on advancing to next chord symbol with no chord symbol entered
Issue annoying tooltip while editing footers