
Issue Corrupt tie created on paste of tied note that requires additional tie
Issue Selection Filter's Checkbox Not Checked After Restart
Issue Relative text position inside a frame is not saved for scores imported from 2.x
Issue Wrong Sound for Brass Instrument Cimbasso
Issue Iterating over elements with Alt+right in score with MM rest shows weird barlines, crash is possible
Issue Dynamic playback after repeats does not match with score
Issue Actions applied during text editing more automatically revert on return to normal mode
Issue Issues with ottavas
Issue Position offset when moving cross-beam notes with the mouse
Issue Undo selects an extra measure
Issue [Musicxml Export] - Tbox and Vbox after measure 1 don't export
Issue Cleanup MusicXML tests (mtest/musicxml/io/tst_mxml_io.cpp)
Issue Invisible articulations affect layout of other articulations
Issue Don't write default note event values along with non-default ones
Issue [MusicXML import] word-font not imported
Issue [MusicXML import] page size and margins not imported
Issue Values in sp unit don't remain unchanged after changing spatium
Issue Difficulty canceling a selection
Issue [MusicXML] Layout exports despite being disabled in Preferences
Issue JACK Audio on Musescore 3.x not working
Issue Problem selecting and entering a whole note
Issue In Windows Explorer, files with special characters in filepath don't open when double-clicked
Issue Capella .capx import doesn't properly recognize hidden empty staves at start of score
Issue Text lost when musicXML file imported
Issue Plugins are not run correctly when running musescore in converter mode.
Issue Stems and beams for small chords don't align correctly
Issue Repeat measure signs: not vertically-centred in tablature
Issue Mscz file corrupted after splitting a measure
Issue Text of "Edit drumset" button cut off in German localisation
Issue MIME types are invalid in Linux AppImage