
Issue Tour dialogs overlap with the highlighted area
Issue Make double-clicking volta in palette get applied to measure's first staff by default, unless user holds control to drop to the selected staves
Issue Crash when using palette item upon a staff-text
Issue Can't add shortcut for save as
Issue Cannot increase the duration of a chord/rest within a nested tuplet.
Issue Select-all [Palette Search] text upon utilizing shortcut command for fresh searching
Issue Courtesy time signature not removed when subsequent measures are deleted
Issue Support screenreaders other than NVDA
Issue Continuous view: white block appears when wallpaper changed from default to PNG image
Issue Hidden pedal items are no longer displayed
Issue Rehearsal mark does not accept letter L
Issue Impossible to apply properties to all parts in 3.4.1
Issue Deleting measures leads to corrupting the other linked staff if their display has been reversed
Issue [TAB] Crash when pressing numbers/letters in a different voice
Issue Crash on startup with Qt 5.14
Issue Version 3.4 is likely to crash if no score is loaded
Issue [MacOS] Inputting notes results in a cracking noise
Issue Remove select range in a score with parts results in corruption
Issue Version 3.4 is likely to crash if no score is loaded
Issue Crash on undoing setting "Beam middle" property on a single note
Issue Pedal line alignment is global to all staves, not local to one staff
Issue Crash on deleting an element being dragged
Issue Fermatas do not respond to selection filter
Issue Crash on dragging a hairpin handle after adding it and pressing Escape
Issue Crash on dragging a hairpin handle after adding it and pressing Escape
Issue 3.4 RC: Adjustment handles don't respond to Ctrl + arrow commands
Issue Adjustment handles don't update immediately after flipping
Issue individual text style is not imported from V2-score
Issue Inspector of ornaments is titled "Articulation"
Issue Selecting multiple elements with sameType but different subtype doesn't update inspector title