chen lung

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Alignment of grace after note chen lung 1 9 years ago
Issue Issues with cross-staff beams & slurs in imported 1.3 score jorgk3 10 9 years ago
Issue Crash when deleting soundfont after Load from score (load doesn't update synth window) AngsCopy 13 9 years ago
Issue Open causes crash chen lung 4 9 years ago
Issue Volta attached to non-top staff deleted when correspond staff is removed chen lung 16 9 years ago
Issue Show Time Signature on part causes crash chen lung 8 9 years ago
Issue Saving a score with text line and re-opening causes crash chen lung 14 9 years ago
Issue Tie direction for double-stemmed writing chen lung 4 9 years ago
Issue Tie direction for single-stemmed chords chen lung 4 9 years ago
Issue Tie direction for single-stemmed moving chords chen lung 4 9 years ago
Forum topic Double ties jcorelis 5 9 years ago
Issue Grace notes collide with multi-voice accidentals chen lung 1 9 years ago
Issue Time signature incorrectly positioned after changing staff type chen lung 7 9 years ago
Forum topic Text Alignment chen lung 8 9 years ago
Issue Tie direction for chords on tab staves non-deterministic? Marc Sabatella 1 9 years ago
Issue [Guitar Pro] Fade In not imported chen lung 11 9 years ago
Issue Fingering elements default settings martin.ludenhoff 5 9 years ago
Forum topic Closer Noteheads chen lung 4 9 years ago
Issue Flipping dots changes their position chen lung 12 9 years ago
Issue Notes above B4 undefined for Baritone Sax instrument chen lung 5 9 years ago
Issue Horizontal positioning of accidental incorrect if in chord with adjacent notes chen lung 7 9 years ago
Forum topic Notehead positioning of three or more voices chen lung 15 9 years ago
Issue Unticked 'Use internal synthesiser' appears ticked upon restart chen lung 9 9 years ago
Forum topic Horizontal alignment of accidental for adjacent note chen lung 6 9 years ago
Issue Elements not drawn in Time Signature of Master Palette until resize chen lung 2 9 years ago