MuseScore 4.1.1 is released

• júl 26, 2023 - 18:39

We're pleased to announce that an update to MuseScore 4 is now available: version 4.1.1. This release improves the stability of the application.

All the release builds can be found on the Download page. For users on Windows or macOS, the update can also be installed via Muse Hub or via the update notice that appears within your current version of MuseScore 4.

This latest release fixes a number of crashes and regressions identified since 4.1 was released earlier this month. For details, please see this project on our GitHub repository: All other known issues will continue to be triaged and resolved accordingly in the next major release (currently targeting mid-November 2023).

Thanks again for your support!

Best wishes,

The MuseScore Team


I personally think that it helped with lagging when I use other apps that aren't MuseScore. If I'm using the program to listen to a song, there are no popping sounds every time I do something.

Thanks for the maj. I installed it today and now I can't change the parameters of the stem (hampe) of my notes, especially because I need to move them. It looks like those settings are now blocked... That's very annoying. Can you do something please ?

Príloha Veľkosť
hampe musescore.pdf 58.83 KB

In reply to by chatondu3535

Sorry to hear you're having trouble! The place to ask for help using MuseScore or report potential issues is the Support forum. Please open a new thread there, give it an appropriate title, and attach your actual score rather than just a picture, along with precise steps to reproduce the problem. Then we can understand and assist better.

I've actually still gotten some problems, where I can't open scores, even if I made them a few minutes after I closed the application.

What do you think could be the problem? Because I think it may have something to do with 4.1.

In my case this upgrade seems to be a huge improvement. Wheras previously scores with many parts would frequently stutter, this problem seems to have been completely fixed in 4.1.1.
John D

I appreciate what you guys do! Musescore is taking good shape! However, I'm experience even more popping sound issues and playback is terrible on my side. I had to run one of the earliest versions so far (but I can't find it again).
My PC specs are not the issue as I run DAWs pretty well.

In reply to by Celthyan

Sorry to hear you are having trouble! The audio glitches you describe are most often caused by sample rate mismatches - somewhere in the line between the hardware itself and MuseScore, something isn't working right in communicating this. Try setting your audio device's sample rate explicitly to 44.1 kHz (or perhaps 48 kHz) and that should help. Also try increasing your MuseScore buffer size in Edit / Preferences / I/O. And then please follow up in and answer the questions there to help us get to the bottom of why certain systems seem to behave this way while others don't.

I really enjoyed using MuseScore 4 so far. Well designed with nice features and amazing sounds! However, after upgrading to 4.1.1 MuseScore tries to scan for plugins and gets stuck, without finishing the process and then (Not Responding). I tried to uninstall and install again, with no success. How can I fix this?

Príloha Veľkosť
MuseScore 4.1.1 - Scanning Audio Plugins.png 151.51 KB

In reply to by AlexanderLion80

Hi! It's not clear what you mean, but perhaps your audio device is set to too high a sample rate? Find that setting in your OS or the software that came with your audio device, and try 48 or 44.1 kHz instead.

If that's not it, please ask for help in the Support forum and describe the issue in more detail - and attach a sample score.

I use Musescore 4.0.2, and I have that common issue where the program can crash when starting due to an audio driver conflict. If running on my laptop unconnected to an external speaker - crashes. But when connected via HDMI to my secondary speaker - runs fine.

I recall that this issue was common and there were lots of threads and feedback on it. Before I download the latest MuseScore 4.1.1 - do we know if this is issue has been generally rectified?


JL versie 4.1.1. vind ik nog erg onstabiel. Onder STIJL werkt het al niet meer.
Ik dacht dat Fabrieksinstelling een oplossing bracht maar alleen weer ellende.
Moet ik opnieuw alles gaan instellen maar ik ben oud 75 jaar en dat lukt mij niet meer.
Dat heb ik al eerder geschreven maar jullie willen niet luisteren: alleen ict jers kunnen dat maar leken zoals ik kunnen niet meer met die moeilijke dingen omgaan. Hoe krijg ik weer een nieuw werkende op mijn computer.
Die man die dan uitlegt snapt niet dat uitleggen niet in een sneltreinvaart moet: doe het zo dat je iemand wat probeert op een juiste toon uit te leggen.
Maar is er misschien iemand die mij met musescore kan helpen installeren.
Alvast bedankt , Adri Vos
ik heb dus geen dus daarin kunt u mij niet helpen.
Ik hoor graag.


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