Entering feature-freeze for MuseScore 4.2

• nov 17, 2023 - 16:47

Hi everyone,

We’re about a month away from the release of MuseScore 4.2, which means that now is a great time to help test all the fantastic new features that will be included in this release:



  • Better synchronisation between the score and the parts
  • Ability to exclude certain elements from the score or the parts

Harp pedal diagrams

  • Support for glissando playback with correct enharmonics



  • 6-key Braille input via the Braille panel


  • Ability to choose specific sounds within a SoundFont


  • Support for Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) format
  • Various MusicXML fixes and improvements

Share to Audio.com

  • Ability to update existing audio
  • Option to publish to MuseScore.com and Audio.com at the same time


  • Optimisations for note-input

To test these features, simply head over to the nightly builds page and download the latest build for your platform. On Linux and macOS, you can run the nightlies like you run the regular program. Windows users have a choice of using the portable .paf.exe (simply download and double-click it), or the .7z compressed archives (extract these with 7zip, then double click on MuseScore4.exe inside the bin folder).

If you find something buggy, please report it on GitHub. As always, please check first that the issue hasn’t already been raised.

We have now entered a feature-freeze, meaning that no new features will be added to 4.2. However, we will continue to fix bugs throughout this period, so it’s worth checking you have the latest nightly build before you report any issues.

We will release an official ‘beta’ for 4.2 shortly, but this is mainly to test the installation and release processes. Do check out the beta when it lands, but for bug testing it’s best to stick to nightly builds as these will be updated continuously.

Thanks all, and happy bug-hunting!

The MuseScore Team

Note for plugin authors: if your plugin uses the TextField component from QtQuick.Controls 1.0, please replace it with the TextEdit component from QtQuick.Controls 2.15 (or from QtQuick.Controls 2.2 if you require compatibility with MuseScore 3). See issue #19326 for details. Thanks!


I expected it to be released in December, and that's right. Considering many situations, it is expected to be released in late December (the last week after Christmas).

In reply to by RobFog


I had to click on the "i" in a circle next to the comment button (my first guess for the purpose of that "i" was that it would tell me something about adding a comment) and then I had to enable "New Projects". A bit of a treasure hunt!

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