Movable Rests

• Jul 3, 2010 - 20:28

Can we have it that rests aren't movable around the score?


In reply to by David Bolton

I did wonder about something like this. If it's moved accidentally (if you're not doing things like multiple voices, etc), is it possible to provide a function that will restore it to its original position?

Just on the subject of multiple voicing, etc, wouldn't the unusual positioning of the rests look unprofessional because of untidy alignment (because they're moved manually, naturally making precision and tidiness difficult)? Maybe there could be an automatic re-positioning/tidy-up (of the bar) button after the user is finished?

In reply to by chen lung

I like your suggestion of being able to restore items to their original position. I also wonder if it would be better if items required a double-click to move around, to reduce the number of accidental moves.

In my experience it is manual intervention (by a trained human) that makes a score professional looking. But I'm certainly not opposed to the software doing most of the work for me. See #3842: rests obscured in multi-voice measure

In reply to by David Bolton

Thanks werner! A suggestion would be the ability to select one by right-clicking it (if the others are fine), as opposed to all. Just incase you knew of this David, were you referring to something else :)?

Double-clicking the rests to move them sounds like a good idea - as it is a special move really. Alternatively, you could do something like right clicking and 'unlock rest' to move them.

Should we also have it that rests are only allowed to move within the bar? Could it cause problems if such instances with multiple-voicing occur at the end of a bar? Maybe the user could request a special kind of spacing.

An instance of distracting manual intervention would be these special rests appearing next to each other, then people compare their positions (or remember them generally - perhaps within the piece) to find they're not in alignment (if there's a set standard and it's avoidable). I do like the idea of having the computer do the work to ensure the tidiness factor as much as possible.

In reply to by chen lung

I agree that it should be possible to set a default offset for rests in multi-voice music. The most natural place to do this, it seems to me, would be in the Voices section of the General Style.

But a decent workaround for this and similar issues in MuseScore would be to first select all rests in a given voice by right clicking any rest, select->more, check the box for same voice, and hitting Enter, then ctrl-dragging them all at once. Just in my limited playing around with MuseScore the last few days I'm finding myself using this feature a lot.

In reply to by xavierjazz

Notes and rests are movable horizontally and vertically by double click and arrows and that's great for a lot of case. In particular to solve collision when you use different voices. I would like this to remain. I do understand though that moving rest by dragging can be misleading.

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