Midi export tempo problems (Solution found)

• Aug 13, 2015 - 11:36

Hey guys,

I'm using MuseScore to create audio files for rehearsal purpouses for my choir mates.

I wrote out the piece, and set the tempo to 120,
but when I exported a midi file,
the tempo dropped down to ~100 bpm.

If I export a .wav file,
I get the right tempo,
but wav files are way too big to distribute by email.

I can probably use an external converter (from wav to midi) to get the right tempo for the midi files,
but it's a bit of a hassle to do it.

Do you guys have any simple solutions?



I found the solution. The tempo of the MIDI file was 120 BPM. I thought my internal MuseScore player was on 100%, when in fact it was at 120 %. The tempo that sounded right on the internal player was actually 144 BPM.

Apparently if I export a WAV file, it adjusts the tempo according to the internal player. It spit out a 144 BPM piece, fooling me to believe that the problem was with the MIDI file export.


What version of MuseScore? I just tried in 2.0.2 and exporting to MIDI worked perfectly - the tempo I added to the score was preserved. Can you post the score you are having problems with (see "File attachments" link below where you type your comment).

Also, you can export to MP3 instead of WAV or MIDI.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks everyone for such fast replies. Much wow!

I just downloaded MuseScore ( v. 2.0.2) yesterday, so I'm really new to using the program. It might just be something I'm doing wrong.
Another thing I couldn't find, was how to include the metronome sound in the midi (dont know if thats possible, and couldn't find any solutions after 2 hours on forum)

Attachment Size
Matona_mia_cara_ Tenor.mscz 16.78 KB

In reply to by Ostromj1

I think you found the best way to get a click track into the MIDI already - just add a drum staff and fill it with quarter notes.

Anyhow, I loaded your score into MuseScore, exported to MIDI, then imported the resulting file back into MuseScore. The tempo was intact, and it plays back at the same speed as the original. So I think the tempo is there in the MIDI file, but perhaps whatever program you are using to play the MIDI file isn't understanding it?

well I believe this is because there are two different tempomap classes. One is used for everything except midi export, and one is used just for midi export, I believe. The one used for midi exportis not updated when tempo slider changes, I believe. I think the soution is to merge the two tempomap classes, so playback & non-midi export produce same audio as midi export.

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