Pizz doesn't work any more (MS 2.0)

• Apr 11, 2015 - 21:02

Hey guys,

I've finally downloaded MS 2.0 (I've used MS 1.3 for 4 years now) and am fairly happy with it, but there's a massive problem: If I want to add a pizz and change the channel/MIDI action to "pizzicato", nothing changes in the sound?


For 2.0, we added the abiltiy to only change a single voice, or to change different voices to different sounds. But that means you have to actually press one of the voice buttons to tell MuseScore which voice(s) you wish to change.

I've got pizz to work on a one bar file, but when I try it on a long one it does not, it the first case the midi dialog box gives the options "normal,pizz,tremelo" in the second it is just "normal"

also are there harmonics and con sordino options?

In reply to by macrobbair

The options are present if the instrument supports them. Pizz etc are present only for stringed instruments, mute for trumpet. For other types of sound changes, you need an Instrument change from the text palette - see the Handbook under "Mid-staff instrument change", also "Change and adjust sounds".

As always, when asking for help, it is best to attach the specific score you having problems with and precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem. Otherwise we can only offer very general advice rather than being about to tell you right off the bat exactly what you need to do.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

pizz done, it sounds terrible.... hopefully as this works when con sord, senza vib and so forth become available they should be easy.

I tried uploading the original and got:
The selected file originalop1.xml could not be uploaded. The file is 2.8 MB exceeding the maximum file size of 2 MB.

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