Crash when changing tempo unit

• Mar 3, 2016 - 10:29

hi everyone, got musescore 2.02 and El capitan, every time I try to change the tempo, from 4/4 to 5/4 and back to 4/4 ( three different measures) , the moment I try to save the project, Musescore crashes and it also doesn't let me reopen my file.

Any suggestion?

thank you very much


a feedback about it: it seems to happen when changing unity of tempo also involves irregular figures, like 7 eights in 2 quarter.

In reply to by unidiota

"a feedback about it: it seems to happen when changing unity of tempo also involves irregular figures, like 7 eights in 2 quarter."
"The difference that I see is that adding a new measure doesn't create a new page, everything stays in the same first page."
In all cases, could you be more specific, by providing short sample from scratch by preference (or by attaching a score) with precise steps for reproducing.

In reply to by cadiz1

What I did was to create the first pattern that ends with the 7 eights and the quarter. Then I paste the first part until the 7 eights excluded because it's irregular and doesn't fit inside of a 4/4. Then I create a 5/4 signature and I paste the irregular group, then I create the 4/4 signature for the next measures and so on. In this example (another file) it worked. The problem is not that it isn't working, the problem is when I try to save it that Musescore crashes. I did it in my file for 6 or 7 times and it always crashed.

Attachment Size
example.pdf 50.29 KB

In reply to by cadiz1

The last one I sent is the original file. The previous one that I sent ( the pdf file) is the pattern that causes the crash. you can see that in the original file in the second voice called : Loop station.
There is a pattern made of 3 chords and then an irregular group ( 7 eights and a quarter )

1) Copy the pattern until the 7 eights and his next quarter excluded.
2) Paste it after all the first pattern.
3) Go to the last measure where it is supposed to be the irregular group and change signature in 5/4. Otherwise you cannot paste this irregular group because it would cross the bar.
6) In that specific measure paste the 7 eights and the next quarter.
7) Go to the next measure and change signature in 4/4 .
8) Save it

I don't understand what you mean with : but the source in a MIDI file.

In reply to by unidiota

Starting from the file you attached, I've first deleted the contents of 'Loop' from the last beat of m11 and removed the 5/4 and 4/4 time signatures from m17-18. Then I started following your steps:
1) Select contents of Loop from m5 - m10 inclusive and hit Ctrl+C to copy
2) Clicked on the quarter rest in the final beat in m11 in the Loop staff and hit Ctrl+V to paste
3) Drag the 5/4 time signature from the palette onto m17
4) Select the first three beats of m11, hit Ctrl+C, then select beat 4 of m17 and hit Ctrl+V
5) Drag the 4/4 time signature from the palette onto m18
6) Saved and reopened the file

No big issues, nor crashes. Tested on MuseScore 2.0.2 release on Windows 7
The only issue encountered is that when dropping the 4/4 time signature, it breaks the tie from the tuplet to the quarter note, so I selected the last note in the tuplet and hit '+' to restore it.

I also understand that your importing a file created by Finale. Please note that Finale can export to MusicXML, which is a way more complete format to transfer sheet music than MIDI. The latter only contains the basic note/tone information but no visual hints whatsoever.

In reply to by jeetee

Well, I did not have the time to check all the steps! After the two first steps, I get a crash very "simple" via a copy-paste onto two notes with a slur.
I reproduce it always from scratch on a last nighlty ( 2.0.3 or 2.1.0), but not with the 2.02.
I fill the report soon.

EDIT: Issue filed: #100626: Copy-paste on notes with slur causes a crash.
For now, I do not know if there is something else. I am inclined to believe it, since I can not reproduce with 2.0.2 (and the user says he uses this version). That said, the central point of this "first" (?) issue was encountered with this slur on the attached file. Only coincidence? Maybe, maybe not?
I do not know more for now.

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