
• Jun 25, 2016 - 18:39

How do I simplify notes?

I want all of (e.g.)

to turn into (e.g.)

in one click of a button (shortcut)


To change duration of a note, just clcik it (while *not* in note input mode) and click the desired duration icon in the toolbar (or use the corresponding keyboard shortcut). So, click the first note in your example, then click the half note icon in the toolbar or press "6". This will automatically "eat" the rest of the notes for that duration, leaving you with just what you want.

Marc's way is best for a few notes. If you want to simplify lots of notes throughout a score then your best option is to export the score as a MIDI file and then open it again in MuseScore. Keep the original score file so that you can copy anything that was lost in the conversion to MIDI. Make sure you are using the latest version of MuseScore.

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