beams and how to change their number

• Jun 14, 2012 - 02:39


i am realtively new to musescore so i hope my question will be easy to answer but not redundant (i did search for it).

i am trying to create 3 touples in 4/4 time using 8th note beams but the 3rd note of the first measure and the 3 note of the 4th measure are double beamed (16th notes). this seems to be done automatically and i lack the knowledge to change them to indicate 8th notes.

i tried to attach the score but was not successful.

please advise.
thank you.


It will be hard to answer without seeing the score. What went wrong when you tried attaching it? Did you perhaps not press the Attach button after specifying the filename.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz


yes. in particular i followed the 5 steps under "Note entry mode"

perhaps i should work on uploading a .pdf so you can see what i have.

to create the .pdf i clicked Save as, then selected .pdf and changed the file extension to .pdf and pressed return. that is how the .pdf i am trying unsuccessfuly to upload was produced.

i have tried removing the spaces from the .pdf file name by changing it to draft.pdf but no luck. selecting Properties with respect to the file indicates that the contents is a .pdf file...

In reply to by alonzo

A PDF won't be as useful as the actual score. Perhaps your browser has some compatibility issue with this site - can you try another? Or, create an account on if you don't have one already and upload the score there (which you can do directly from MuseScore via file / save online), then post a link to ithere.

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