sForzato won't work?

• May 15, 2014 - 17:23

Hey guys. I have been a Musescore user for over 3 years and for some reason sForzato won't work. Is there a reason for this?

Other than manually importing dynamics and rendering them invisible, is there a way around this?


Articles Palette of dynamic (L) are not active. Must adjust their values ​​manually (right click on and set to the desired value.)

In reply to by Miré

You mean they don't affect playback, velocity, like the one from the 'normal' palette?
For me they doo, pppppp sets velocity to 1, while the 'regulra' ppp sets it to 16, pppp to 10, ppppp to 5, ffff-ffffff sets it to 127, while the 'regular' ppp sets it to 126. For all notes following, up to the next dynamics.
sf, sfz ... indeed don't change anything though, they are supposed to change only a single note and this is not (yet) implemented in MuseScore

In reply to by judeeylander

I disagree about the sforzatos not being heard. While there is no huge difference between those and normal notes, there is a slight emphasis on the marked notes.

I'm guessing that you entered this song from scratch (since your previous picture has only part of the song). In the music xml that underlies the MuseScore score there is a setting for sforzato among other articulations that tells how much to emphasize that note. In your score this is set at 120%. As expected, it is more noticeable when the volume is ff rather than mf or p.

In reply to by mike320

I am on the music team of Distributed Proofreaders. We put public domain books online through Project Gutenberg. All my music is entered from scratch. I am recreating clear scores and sound files for ebooks.

I adjusted the velocity on marked notes to where I thought the sound was most appropriate. I am not familar with the underlying music xml. Where do I find it in MuseScore?

In reply to by judeeylander

An mscz file is actually a zip file that contains a file called name.mscx where name is the name of the mscz file. You can open the mscx file in any xml editor, the are plenty of free ones online. I did a search in the file for sforzato and the velocity is set at 120 (120% of velocity) and the time stretch is 100 (100% of the length of the note). You can change the velocity if you like and open the mscz file in MuseScore and it will be adjusted accordingly. Note that it will affect all sforzatos in the file. If any are too strong you can adjust the velocity of individual notes down. This might be preferable to adjusting individual notes up. It depends on how many affected notes there are. When you are done, you can save the file and it will once again revert to a mscz file.

If you find you constantly want to change every score, you can change the instruments.xml file the same way and use that file for creating new scores rather than the default instruments.xml. Each instrument in instruments.xml can have its own velocity for each articulation. Look through the file and you will see the format for adding them.

Another option is to change the sforzato on a piano (or any other) score and save it as a template. All scores made from that template will follow its settings. This is the route I would take if I do a lot of the same instruments.

In reply to by mike320

Thanks, Mike. New learning curve for me. I'll spend some time today exploring xml, at least to gain familiarity with xml and what it can do.

This comes from Distributed Proofreaders Music Guidelines. I've never explored it because MuseScore is so awesome and easy to use! <3

MusicXML (.xml) is fast becoming the primary Internet standard for music notation code. It is readable and/or writable by nearly 200 music programs, enabling music notation to be widely shared — which is ideal for PG e-books.

A MusicXML file contains all the musical and text elements in a music piece. The code can be viewed in any text editor and most browsers, and there are plug-ins allowing browsers to play/display MusicXML files as music. (Theoretically, a MusicXML file can also be created from scratch in a text editor, but it would be a laborious process.)

MusicXML (.xml) is fast becoming the primary Internet standard for music notation code. It is readable and/or writable by nearly 200 music programs, enabling music notation to be widely shared — which is ideal for PG e-books.

A MusicXML file contains all the musical and text elements in a music piece. The code can be viewed in any text editor and most browsers, and there are plug-ins allowing browsers to play/display MusicXML files as music. (Theoretically, a MusicXML file can also be created from scratch in a text editor, but it would be a laborious process.)

You can find more information on MusicXML here and here.

For a sample e-book with links to MusicXML files, see Principles of Orchestration.

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

Ummmmm.... Now it's REALLY over my head! LOL! I'll tinker with the one mentioned in Distributed Proofreaders to get an idea of how XMLs kinda work. Then I'm back to using MuseScore for the next score. And the one after that. And the one after that....

You are ALL so HELPFUL!! Many thanks for all your labors!

In reply to by judeeylander

You're extremely welcome! And thank you for your many insightful questions. As you continue to gain more familiarity with the program, please don't hesitate to let us know about limitations you come up against—your perspective working for Gutenberg may push MuseScore in new directions that require improvements.

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