
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Forum topic Just downloaded Musescore Princess Zelda 3 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Share a score privately with certain people via a link [DELETED] 32474217 1 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Add capability to alter size of wings on repeats. xavierjazz 4 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Allow increasing the wing size in repeats xavierjazz 2 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic ties/line for lyric Trottolina 2 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Upper-voice-dotted 2nds positioning issues (including hang) neo-barock 3 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Finger clickin' good..... Robbie Johnson 16 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Plugin API: harmony.text field is not available othersimon 13 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Workspace causing crashes NerdyDreams 1 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic AppImage won't run from Linux(Beta) command line (file missing components ?) rjbarthine 11 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic QML coding: can't initialize dialog of dialog-type plugin [DELETED] 1831606 35 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic doppelte Punktierung bei 3.0 rohrfloete1 4 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Update docs to explain how to add custom bass clef key signature Richard Cooke 12 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic How do you change the key signature of a score? rmcadow 1 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic multiple staffs on the same page alan_cardoz@ya… 6 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic AppImage & System's Jack library ndiamistrator 2 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Section part names appear and disappear when adjusting other elements in that section. richardm999 16 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic How to set play count in split bar glio 3 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Cannot create triplet of quarter notes shaun.patrick… 8 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Exporting XML bcraig 69 2 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Movable do or scale degree note entry plugin? luisfpetrucci 1 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Add end-start repeat barline back to barlines- and repeats palettes Jojo-Schmitz 32 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic MusicXML: Export/Import of Mordents and Inverted Mordent joejoe_ 10 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic When I go to the measure properties of one measure, it automatically selects multiple measures. dorseyb71 13 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic When using a Grand Staff, why does a rest replace the notes I have in the Treble Clef? dorseyb71 3 vor 4 Jahren