
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue clef and key are erroneously shown further (in lead sheet style), althoug I didn't check 'create clef/key on every staff' andypiano1 11 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Changing spacer length with a mouse is not undoable dmitrio95 5 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Staff texts after the first are ignored in multimeasure rests rio3333 22 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Add symbols to barlines Marc Sabatella 8 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Make the color of invalid/disabled options in the menus more distinguishable David Copperfield 14 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Unexpected change of "Play Panel" layout? Xianyue賢越 18 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Keyboard nav issues Louis Cloete 4 vor 5 Jahren
Issue In dark theme toolTips in Inspector are basically unreadable Jojo-Schmitz 6 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Incorrect drop anchor displayed while dragging a Volta ericfontainejazz 11 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Slash style for staff type change: Inspector label and function are not the same neGjodsbol 12 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Note symbols are truncated in Tab Preview cadiz1 15 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Some Buttons look grayed-out in dark mode kazuma yamamoto 17 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Continuous view: Key change forces double barline mike320 13 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Not enough space between Time signature and clef change mike320 6 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Stickings are not linked between score and parts hunter_grembecki 6 vor 5 Jahren
Issue [Tablature] Note value repeat section: "At new system" renders the same as "At new measure" retepchase 24 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Volta on bar ending in start repeat displayed with no line after adding break Marc Sabatella 6 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Hairpin with dynamics at the end is too short fmiyara 11 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Copy-paste breaths & pauses causes bad layout of the first note/rest in following measures cadiz1 9 vor 5 Jahren
Issue If note is tied to preceding grace note of equal pitch, only the grace note is played back Christian Hafner 10 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Swing prevents midi rendering of tied notes mattmcclinch 11 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Mute voice produces note that doesn't stop when overlap present Reflex 9 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Need a dashed line between voices kschroeder 10 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic With the Special Characters (F2) window open in lyrics entry, "-", "_", and space do not work marty strasinger 3 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Cross staves notation error Jul4074 9 vor 5 Jahren