
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue Drumline Extension AMC08 1 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Want pc to transcribe - tried mp3 to midi... vinckles 5 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic APPCRASH giordano58 1 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Guitar fretboard note entry suj.segatz 8 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Instruments Stop Playing Midway Through A Piece On Websites NoteK0 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Control Functions disable Inspector: Font Style - Bold, Italics, Underline MResendes 1 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic How to play certain notes without swing in a chart crushforcex 3 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Tempo David Landwehr 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue buzz after sounding a note Longtime Sunshine 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Uploaded files from Musescore 3 dont play properly Smash Nerd 1 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Dynamic not working awskaa 4 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic What basic kinds of knowledge of C++ should I acquire if I'm to write a music notation software? Howard-C 13 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Ossia creates small measure numbers darkstream 11 vor 5 Jahren
Issue System text becomes small if first staff is small mike320 1 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic There is no Prime Volta 2? (Musescore 3) Daniel Safarik 2 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Graphic problem with chords Daniele Pluto … 1 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Wizard of 3 (beta) should not ask keyboard layout frfancha 27 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Uploaded score refuses to play in browser Jim Fass 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue playback lag Pavlos Noitsis 2 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Crash on SVG export for particular score Jojo-Schmitz 9 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic android app needs some attention the jeff 1 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic android app needs some attention the jeff 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Bad English in Mixer mike320 6 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Cannot Open Files Lag Is Serious… 2 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Noten blätter einscannen guidosteinerg1 1 vor 5 Jahren