
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Forum topic Menu entries and dialog box title bars out of sync with each other Riaan van Niekerk 4 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic How to wright ♮ in MS, figured bass? Emma Claéson C… 14 vor 5 Jahren
Issue No Score Sound Preview when using -s CHMC 8 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Updating a score doesn't update its audio Howard-C 23 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Can't move notes across staves neo-barock 4 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Score Sound Preview CHMC 1 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic how to delete invisible rest Pieter De Ceuninck 9 vor 5 Jahren
Issue select hand not working in 3.x PeterMuse 3 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Unable to add and change soundfonts for the synthesizer Pxartist 3 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Grace notes do not play and do not produce a MIDI note in pianoroll Nicola Rulli 14 vor 5 Jahren
Issue copy of key signature when inserting a meassure Aldo11 3 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Deleting brackets crashes Musescore 3 larseniko 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue [MuseScore 3.0.0b3] Automatic placement ignores trailing underscore in lyrics Potato! at the Chips 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Manual adjustments to lines not preserved well on import of older scores when not choosing to reset Potato! at the Chips 6 vor 5 Jahren
Issue [MuseScore 3.0.0b2] Dynamics and lyrics from different voices are placed over each other by the automatic layout Potato! at the Chips 10 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Tempo and Playback Issues nicholsonkevin 26 vor 5 Jahren
Issue [Feedback form] Add clefs to the Euphonium/Baritone Anatoly-os 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue [Feedback form] Remove selecting keyboard layout in the StartupWizard Anatoly-os 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Lines placed above the top staff when single note selected. mike320 11 vor 5 Jahren
Issue When playing part, full ensemble plays nlusk35 3 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Dal Segno al Fine, 1st and 2nd endings, Fine not being played in playback. HassanKhan 5 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic MS3 Beta update (14.12) - Silbenüberlappung Nikolaus Hold 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Updating Keyboard Shortcuts closes all open Palettes and "resets" Selection Filter height MResendes 3 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Error with the voices tab TooLazyToCompose 1 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Arpeggio Kazuo Taiki 2 vor 5 Jahren