
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue Mixer: Feedback on reworked Ui kuwitt 17 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Apply image to note Pentatonus 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Chords not shown correctly in parts KTPtheKing 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Guitar vibrato is not placed above correctly in multi staff score HoHo 6 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Fermata and dynamic above staff get autoplace wrong Jojo-Schmitz 3 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Unwanted clefs qsztan 11 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Optimize sfz sound fonts loading process hez2010 4 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Autosave occurring during playback causes crash chen lung 7 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Custom text not reflecting in parts right after changing the style cadiz1 8 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Measure rest position tobik 3 vor 5 Jahren
Issue I cannot delete meassures Aldo11 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue ambitus doesn't work Jojo-Schmitz 4 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Paste in page view jumps to top of page mike320 6 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Bad tie lengths on mirrored end notes Marc Sabatella 10 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Mid Staff instrument change in 3.0 mtuliosax 17 vor 5 Jahren
Issue The error in the text of the libretto when output to the printer Vladimir Savchenko 8 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Copy paste issue with lyrics and TAB 2mx 10 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Inspector: need to embolden section headings geetar 6 vor 5 Jahren
Issue When printing a libretto text, a dot appears where Ctrl + space Vladimir Savchenko 5 vor 5 Jahren
Issue There was an error when printing to the printer (on paper). Vladimir Savchenko 4 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Cannot cancel MP3 export [DELETED] 5 5 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic chord symbols using "Jazz" font set Marc Sabatella 19 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Ignore multiple staves in selection when adding system text Niels Erik Nielsen 2 14 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Cannot delete bars patriciofe 4 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Cannot save while playing mnmwert 3 vor 5 Jahren