
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue Remove selected range should work to delete notes / rests in note input mode Marc Sabatella 7 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Jump where "target" was included by previous Jump, but "end" wasn't fails jeetee 4 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Crash on ending score playback TheOtherJThistle 17 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Checking "play repeats" doesn't work on second and later D.S. watatic 22 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Playback of a score starting with a volta fails and leads to crash cadiz1 20 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Bug "Play repeat" [DELETED] 16875981 5 vor 3 Jahren
Issue A repeat before the Segno makes the D.S. and D.S. al coda not working as expected BrnVrn 19 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Repeat doesn't work when returning to Second Ending (Seconda Volta) during Playback 9Barns 9 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Note Input with Wind Midi Controller nostradamus1579 5 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Breath/Caesura at the end of a measures doesn't get deleted together with that measure('s content) Jojo-Schmitz 2 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Breath/pause at the end of a measure won't delete when removing the contents of the measure Howard-C 4 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Atemzeichen und Zäsuren in Kopien Gianni_1947 4 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Dynamics _angelica_132 2 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Notenzeile aufteilen und wieder zusammenfügen (Orchester) Maxi Geier 1 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Automatic update popup NOT disappearing azolee 1 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic How to change key label from major to minor megakotaro 3 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Aufruf nach Update unmöglich gamuigi 9 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Cannot get to Staff/Part Properties dougtruesdell 6 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Save style m.r-botero 10 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic api-play button control code scottwarren 20 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Ver.: Rev.: 43c5553 is painfully slow Elkwood 15 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Fermate (Stop) RunarMolstad 1 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Palettes missing except for a single solid line passing through the whole section in version 3.4.2 ettolrach_uwu 8 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Is there a place to show off my music? EricAwesome1 2 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic tempo seletion play panel vs. tempo icon dpenny 4 vor 3 Jahren