
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue Fix clarinet tranposition key signature Richard Cooke 14 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Grifftabellen für Violine/Geige henrypastohr 4 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Using mscore.ttf "Emmentaler" glyphs (characters) in Windows 10 hawstom 4 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Crash on playback of score with MM rest at the end Jojo-Schmitz 10 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Adding a Group of Instruments arvindhkrishn 3 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Notated pitches for transposing instruments dave2020X 3 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Flipped stems causes notes to shift and creats huge distances Thanh Melody Tong 6 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic MS 3.0.5: Noten horizontal verschieben Pamina513 4 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic changing note values quickly pingu1963 2 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Request method to specify that key signature being added is already transposed vgStef 14 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Musescore for Mac uninstalled itself Simplywritten316 6 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Add Horizontal Frame to Right marcuskruse1 3 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Batch Conversion to PDF tropangler 11 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Not all staves play on opening and I'm unable to export all sounds to MP3 doctortango@ho… 11 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Drum input palette: Allow Shift + double-click on an icon to add a note to a chord Paisleyartmachine 12 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Score state corruption and crash after adding a frame to a nested horizontal frame dmitrio95 4 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Bad behavior of text added in a horizontal frame included in a vertical frame that can lead to a crash tjdickinson 14 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Missing number in Nashville number for score created from jazz template Marc Sabatella 4 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Crashing Chorn_on_the_Chob 2 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Start Menu crashes Musescore portal2kid 2 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Continuous view stops repeats from working in playback Marc Sabatella 28 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Chord symbols playback: they play even in parts without Jojo-Schmitz 8 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Crash on entry of empty Nashville number Marc Sabatella 5 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Drum input palette: notes set to enter as voice 2 are entered into voice 1 in error geetar 28 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Assertion failure adding image to vertical frame via prioperty menu Marc Sabatella 8 vor 3 Jahren