Lost my score when I download the newest version of Musescore.

• Jul 17, 2020 - 19:21

I created a new composition and saved it. But when I accepted the new release of Musescore, my new composition doesn't exist. Is there a way to solve this issue? Help!


Downloading a new version doesn't erase any existing score.
From what you say most probable is that you've saved your score in the default V2 place, and when you do "open" from V3 it shows you the default folder for V3. Just navigate to the V2 folder and you will find back all your scores.

In reply to by frfancha

But I have V3 when I signed up. The newest version of V3 of Musescore just popped up on my screen when I opened the app. When I accepted the newest version, my score disappeared and I tried to search my files from Finder on my Mac for my composition but I can't find it. Is there another to solve this problem?

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