Symbol and palettes

• Jul 3, 2021 - 06:42

I am using the latest version of Musescore and can't add symbols from the master palette to my score (having highlighted the note on the score where I want the symbol to appear). I can't do it either by double clicking or using drag and drop. I have also tried making a custom palette and have added the symbols that I want to that, but still can't add them to my score. I have not had this problem with earlier versions. Any advice?


Note that double click isn't the right way to add symbols from the palette, for the past year or so it's only single click. Double-click would add the symbol twice.

Also, do you really mean the "master" palette - the one you only get to via the View menu and that then appears as a floating dialog? Noirmally that's not what you'd use to add symbols to your score, you'd use the standard palettes at the left of your window. But both should work.

Anyhow, it could be there is something specific going on with your score or with the specific symbol you are trying to add or what you have selected. Like maybe the kind of symbol you are trying to attach isn't designed to accept that symbol, like trying to add a fermata to a clef. If you continue to have trouble, please attach your score and describe what you are trying to do in more detail so we can understand and assist better.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you Marc,
I am continuing to have the problem, I am trying to transcribe a score that I have been given, but is so scribbled on that I am having difficulty reading it. It requires a SEGNO symbol and a couple of CODA symbols. but it seems that the symbols in the "jumps and repeats" palette are not working. When began rewriting this score, I was able to add a "SEGNO" successfully and then suddenly it stopped working, so I think I have a gremlin and I am considering uninstalling the version of Musescore that I have (3.6.25etc) and re-installling it, but am afraid that I will lose the scores that I have saved. Can you reassure me that won't happen.
In the meantime, I have added the instructions (CODA & SEGNO) in text form but it would be much clearer if I could use the symbols.
PS I have tried the first aid treatments of rebooting both the programme and the computer.

In reply to by bobjp

It does for me, for measure and note, when taking it from the symbols palette of the master palette, but then they don't play back.
When taking it from the Repeats and Jump palette of eitnher the worksapace or the master palette they a) apply to measures only and b) do affect playback

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