How to add longas and other symbols in older music in MuseScore

• Sep 4, 2021 - 04:53

Screenshot 2021-09-04 114957.png
If it's not possible then what can be a substitute to a longa?
I'm trying to correct a baroque piece converted with multiple errors.


Longas are supported, you enter them like any other note. Just need a measure that is long enough for this.
For this particular look you'd need to change the notehead to an "alt. Longa" via the Inspector, I believe (not at my computer right now to double check)

In reply to by wachamcaulid

First - are you actually entering a breve, or a longa, or some other note value? best to attach your score so we can understand and assist better.

Breves and longas are entered normally, just like any other duration - select the duration on the toolbar (you need to be in the Advanced workspace to see these options) then enter the pitch. if you also want to take an existing crrectly-entered duration but change the head, then you can use the Inspector to do that. it doesn't change the actual duration, just the physical appearance. So to use the alt brevis, you should have entered a regular breve first, then use the Inspector to change its physical appearance.

Not sure what "alt longa" is supposed to indicate though. The notes you show in your image appear to me to be breves, not longas. Are you saying you intended them to be performed twice as long as a breve?

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