Random Treble Clefs in Timpani Part

• Apr 27, 2022 - 04:00

There are treble clefs randomly appearing in this Timpani part right before multi-measure rests as seen in the screenshot. Why are they there, and is it some sort of percussion notation I was unaware of?
I also clicked on the first measure of each rehearsal mark, went to Measure Properties, and ticked "Break Multi-measure Rest," and it isn't breaking.
I pressed "delete" on the clefs and they're still there.

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Screenshot_6.png 28.16 KB


In reply to by BalladOS

a) the measure properties "interrupt multimesure rests`is not needed, rehersal marks do interrupt them automatically.
b) the culprit for the clefs seems to be the instrument change to Glockenspiel at the 1st measure of the 2nd section. If you move that to the 2nd measure of that 2nd section, the clefs are gone from the 1st section
(and yes, this seems to be a bug)

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