Invisible notes

• Sep 17, 2022 - 00:10

I've imported a pdf with quite good results. However, there are some rests shown as invisible which make the composition 'stutter' at certain spots.
See attached:
At the end of m8 theres an eight note rest with a small + sign. There are other invisible rests which are actually correct.
- How can I edit/delete the 'wrong' rests and what are the + signs?
- How do I make the correct ones (for example the dotted half note rests) visible like any other notation?
The imported full piece has 8 pages with many of the incorrect rests so I have some editing to do ...

Attachment Size
Test.mscz 18.62 KB


With out the original PDF, it's hard to guess what is supposed to be there.
I selected a quarter rest at the end of 8 and hit CTRL+Del. Same for rests in the next measure. That leaves invisible rests that need to be visible. Turn them on in the inspector. There may be other ways to do it.

> - How can I edit/delete the 'wrong' rests and what are the + signs?
These signs (can be '+' or '-') shows you that the measure is longer or shorter as the time signature indicates.
So m. 8 says (Measure Properties) 9/8 instead of 4/4. You may correct this by setting 8/8 there but you will loose in Guit.2 the quarter note A# and have to add it manually. The similar happens in m. 9: 11/8 instead of 8/8.

You can fix the invisible rests in many bars by selecting all (select - all similar elements) and activating the "visible" button in the inspector.
When importing from PDF or MIDI, these things often happen and you have to rework them manually. It's easy when you have a PDF (you see how it shall be) but not when you only have a MIDI file.

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