Can I not hide the lines of such elements as cresc, dim or rit anymore?

• Sep 16, 2024 - 15:07


Which version?
With "V" shorcut or in Properties panel (untick "Visible") works as expected here with the latest 4.4.2.
And I don't recall (but may have to check?) any such problem in a previous version.

In reply to by bjoernkasan

It hasn't gone.
With 4.3.2, under "Crescendo", for example, there were two options: "Style" and "Text".

Since 4.4, as you can see from the GIF, a new "Position" option has been added (which comes first byt default of course), so you need to click on "Style" (ie now the second option, as shown in the GIF) to see this "Hide line" box again.

A small blue line under the word/option confirms the selection.

In reply to by cadiz1

Okay, got it. You've made a mistake: you haven't used a crescendo or diminuendo line, but a text line (Textzeile in Deutsch) - see image below - that you've edited the text "VII" to cresc. poco a poco.
This text line has no box ("Hide line'') in Properties

ligne de texte.jpg

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