Cover of a fan arrangement (from a popular song) from musescore on youtube, how would the copyright work?

• Jun 28, 2015 - 05:47

How does covering a fan arrangement from musescore of a popular copyrighted piece put onto youtube work? Double CR infringement?


It's better to talk to a copyright law specialist if you have questions about copyright. This forum is about the MuseScore notation software.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Look dude.. i am just asking a simple question here, on a forum... as a user using this software. How does a user even just make an arrangement of a copyrighted song change it seemingly slightly and be ok? It's all a mystery and one i am inquiring about, a mystery that i am sure many musescore members have knowledge and experience with.

This is a community website for said software and with said software making sheets as a user this question is very relevant. (The only way this question isn't relevant is if you don't actually have a firm grasp of relevancy)

I am not asking for a lawyer, i am asking for fellow community members advice, (Not forum nazi's) experiences and knowledge on the topic at hand.

Now I am not here to, nor will i continue to argue pointlessly with you or anyone else about the semantics of it all, that is not the point of a forum, thread or community. If you do not have anything constructive and insightful to add to said discussion, that is fine, but don't go into said discussion and say a relevant question isn't relevant.

This will be the last time i address anyone who doesn't have an honest and constructive answer that stays on topic.

In reply to by Spartanius

Sorry, that's about as constructive as we can possibly be for this topic. It's a good question, but it's really a legal question, not a MuseScore question. A quick search of the internet ( turns up these forums where experts can probably answer your question pretty quickly:……

Copyright laws differ from country to country which makes it hard to have meaningful discussions here. But FWIW, YouTube has an interesting solution in a mumber of cases. They have agreements with many copyright holders allowing people to post their own covers. YouTube places an ad on the video and sends the proceeds to the copyright holder. Fpr more info on how this works, though, you'd need to go to YouTube.

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