v2+ - All plugins missing

• Aug 30, 2015 - 16:51

I have a couple of fully updated Ubuntu variants - Linux Mint 17.1 and KXStudio on which I have installed MusesScore 2

I've used the Plugin Manager to activate some plugins but none of them appear anywhere. I had to install it on Windows 7 to realise the active plugins are meant to be listed on the Plugins menu under Plugin Creator, otherwise a might have spent a long time looking for them ( I couldn't find a description of what was meant to happen anywhere).

I have used the PPA to upgrade to 2.0,1 or .2 but no change.

I have also removed them from /usr/share//mscore/ and put them in ~/.local/share/data/MuseScore/MuseScore2/plugins .. and vice- versa but nothing


None of the 1.x plugins work with 2.0. Some of them have been ported, and have a .qml extension, while for 1.x they had a .js extension.
Is that the problem you are having?

In reply to by Chris Hayes

Those are the plugins that are shipped with MuseScore by default, but if you want to use any of them, you have to enable them first via Plugins / Plugin Manager. After that they will appear in the Plugins menu. Note that most of those don't actually do anything to speak of; they are inluded for instructionsal purpsoes to help people wish to write their own plugins. But the ABC import and colornotes plugins should be useful as is, once you enable them.

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