
• Apr 24, 2016 - 17:04

According to handbook, fingering is available in basic and advanced palettes.
But I find it in advanced only. Is it so or should I display basic another way to see it?

And a request: add fingering to actions with possible shortcut (or, again I didn't look up correctly), because all these double clicking and click next note to add fingering takes a lot of time.


If, at least, double click fingering would leave the note selected that would allow to use the keyboard to select the next note and the mouse could stay above the fingering palette.

In reply to by frfancha

The advantage of having the fingering itself be selected is that you can then fine tune the position. Or copy and paste it elsewhere, etc. But indeed, better ways of enterings fingerings - including shortcuts, but also perhaps including a mode like lyrics or chord symbols where you simply type the fingering then move on to the "next" note (tricky with multiple voices or multi-note chords) would be nice. Hoepfully some day.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

'The advantage of having the fingering itself be selected is that you can then fine tune the position'

This is the official explanation in the handbook but I don't find that a very appropriate choice.
Most of the time MuseScore gives a correct default position, and you will much more need to have the note still selected to add another fingering (the guitar string number e.g.) or to move the next note.

In reply to by frfancha

"Most of the time MuseScore gives a correct default position"
This has not been my experience. I use fingerings rarely, but almost every time I enter one I find myself adjusting the position--above or below a slur (not overlapping it) for example, out of the way of staccato dots or above each other for double stops etc.

You're right, the handbook is wrong (or rather was wrong, I've fixed it)

Having shortcuts for palette items has been requested and discussed, but so far not been implemented.

In reply to by frfancha

"If, at least, double click fingering would leave the note selected that would allow to use the keyboard to select the next note and the mouse could stay above the fingering palette."

Well, there is a behaviour start like this. This almost works well if you have whole notes and half notes, possibly with some combinations with quarter notes. Then for shorter values, it really becomes an inappropriate gymnastic.

So: imagine a sequence of whole notes (little finger left hand for press "N", the thumb for the arrows, and the mouse remains over the palette for the double-clicking)

- "N" -> fingering
- Exit "N" + enter "N" + right arrow (you are in the following measure) -> fingering
Same for half notes, but right arrow twice (four for quarter notes), and so on.

Of course, it would really better with a mode, like lyrics or chord symbols, applied to fingering.

EDIT: Besides, I just tried with the lyrics mode (I've never tried to date!)

Instead of entering lyrics: input numbers and / or letters (m, i, p, etc.). Then, right-click on an item -> select all similar elements -> and with Inspector, simply change the text style from the drop down list: fingering style, fingering left hand or right hand.
I dig the question!

In reply to by cadiz1

'EDIT: Besides, I just tried with the lyrics mode (I've never tried to date!)'

Yes, that is a solution to easily and quickly enter texts attached to notes.
But... I have also lyrics so unfortunately lyrics are not available anymore to enter fingerings.

In reply to by cadiz1

I have tried your lyrics proposal.

But then all fingering are aligned with the staff, not with the notes.
You can change the distance in the style, but I haven't found how to change the "reference" point which seems to be the note when entering "true" fingering and the staff for lyrics, which is logical as default.

I supose the "problem" will be the same with chords: reference point being the staff instead of the note.

In reply to by frfancha

"I haven't found how to change the "reference" point which seems to be the note when entering "true" fingering "
Indeed. This proposal is a workaround. So, with its proper limits.

That said (and I've read this on this forum, I could re-find it, I think), some users prefer to have their fingerings strictly aligned, much like the signs of articulation (staccato, tenuto etc.) Why not?

And if not, it is not so difficult to finely edit/adjust afterwards a group of fingerings (via the range selection) or individual fingerings (single click and arrow keys)

But of course, I vote for a dedicate fingering mode!

In reply to by cadiz1

> 'some users prefer to have their fingerings strictly aligned'

Indeed, it is a possible choice (not mine however, not the one of MuseScore either).

> 'much like the signs of articulation (staccato, tenuto'

Here I don't understand, staccato, tenuto are aligned with the note not with the staff.

> 'it is not so difficult to finely edit/adjust afterwards a group of fingerings (via the range selection) or individual fingerings (single click and arrow keys)'

While doable, it is incredibly time consuming, and completely destroying the time saved by entering fingering as chords or lyrics instead of true fingering.
In that case I prefer to "lose" the time by entering true fingering.

> 'But of course, I vote for a dedicate fingering mode!'

Thanks, let's see what MuseScore 3.0 will have ;-)

In reply to by frfancha

Moreover, I note that this idea has already been launched some time ago, well two years :) #25288: New facility for entering of fingering
You are rather "new" here (sorry for the term), but be aware that many progress has been made since this period.

Instead of drag and drop: selection of the note, or group of notes - many better and highly recommanded -, then double-click, and also implementation of three categories of fingerings: fingering, RH fingering, LH fingering.

And other alternatives: copy-paste, duplicate.

But there is still work to do to streamline and facilitate the entry of fingerings, I agree.

In reply to by frfancha

"Here I don't understand, staccato, tenuto are aligned with the note not with the staff."
Indeed, my confusion, sorry. Some other elements in this palette have a different behavior (Push, Pull, Piziccato stop, and others)

"While doable, it is incredibly time consuming, and completely destroying the time saved by entering fingering as chords or lyrics instead of true fingering.
In that case I prefer to "lose" the time by entering true fingering."

Well, it also depends of the users. Some are minimalist in their way of fingering their scores, and so it's really doable. And some others are very-very prolix! For them, more difficult, indeed :)

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