Moving note from bass to treble clef

• Aug 21, 2017 - 12:06


How do I move these notes from bass LH to treble RH:



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In reply to by G-Sun

The high A should be in voice 1 and the low A in voice 2.

Without using Cross staff notation, you can simply put the A in the right hand, it should be where you want it, then finish the chords (C# E for the first and C-natural E for the second.) This is the same thing you did in the 1/2 note cord before.

In reply to by G-Sun

That cross-staff notation method moves all notes of a certain chord, all that are in the same voice.
So you need the upper notes in voice 1, the lower ones in voice 2, then move the upper ones to the upper staff as per the description in handbook for cross-staff notation.

It is always better to show your score here rather than a picture of it, with that it would have been immediately visible whether your notes are in the same voice and would need to get moved into another voice first.

Alternative: delete the higher notes in the bottom staff and just add them to the corresponding chords in the upper staff

Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't think you want cross staff notation or multiple voices. I think you simply want to delete those notes from the bottom staff (select, Ctrl+X) then add them into the top. The rhythms match, and nothing else about the passage seems to require cross staff notation or multiple voices.

Right now there is no totally simply way I can think of to do this other than manually - select and delete the originals, go into note input mode and add the news ones. A sufficiently clever person could probably figure out a way to semi-automate this using Edit / Tools / Implode, probably doing it in a couple of passes, but depending on how long the actual passage in question is, it still might be easier to do it manually.

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