Note Input, pre-selecting notehead type

• Jan 19, 2018 - 08:41
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

Liebes Entwicklerteam,

die Notation für die Steirische Harmonika erfordert häufig ein anderes Notenkopfsymbol.
Daher wäre es hilfreich, wenn man ein entsprechendes Symbol auswählen und eingestellt lassen könnte.

Bisher müssen nach der Noteneingabe alle entsprechenden Notenköpfe markiert und über den Inspekteur geändert werden.

Daher meine Bitte/Wunsch: die Auswahl des Notenkopfes vor der Noteneingabe zu ermöglichen.

Herzlichen Dank und viele Grüße
Rainer Primbs


Title Note Input Note Input, pre-selecting notehead type

Request stems from a discussion in the German forum, and, and also

Translation (of the core):
the Notation for "Steirische Harmonika" frequently requires a different notehead type.
So it would be helpful, if it were possible to select such a symbol prior to entering it and keep it selected rather than having to change them after note entry via the inspector.

FWIW, there have also been requests like this for a "sticky" setting during note input for articulations. Also on a sort of related note, a sticky mode for tuplets is a common request, and only a little less related, the occasional request to be able to pre-enter accidentals on a note. Right now the one thing we do that is kind of like this is the slur command, which is nice to have but seems actually the least interesting of any of these really. There there is the augmentation dot, which is sticky but probably a lot of people would prefer otherwise.

I do wonder if we couldn't think of a way to address all of these in a consistent way?