5-string and 6-string bass tabs have the wrong string tuning
The images compare the 4-string tab with the 6-string tab. the 4-string tab is correct. however, the 6-string tab looks the same as the 4-string. in fact, it should be shifted over by one string because the top string of a 6-string bass is one fourth higher (C instead of G). Same issue for the 5-string bass tab.
Where do you get a 6-string bass from?
What does the String Data (from staff properties) say for those?
In reply to Where do you get a 6-string… by Jojo-Schmitz
Really better to attach the score for help you (a picture don't "speak")
In reply to Where do you get a 6-string… by Jojo-Schmitz
6-string bass tab was selected from the drop-down list for the bass staff in the right and tab of instrument properties
In reply to 6-string bass tab was… by polarbreeze
And what is the string data for that? I'd bet it only has 5 strings defined, being derived from a 5 string bass.
You took a 5-string bass and forced it to use a 6-string tab staff without defining the 6th string, that is lying to MuseScore ;-)
Check the attached
In reply to 6-string bass tab was… by polarbreeze
If you want a score for a bass 4 strings, select in the dropdown list the Tab 4str
And if you want really a score for bass 6 strings (less usual, but this exists of course), you have to add strings as desired in the String Data (in Staff properties)
In this case, which tuning do you wish?
In reply to Where do you get a 6-string… by Jojo-Schmitz
Aha, the string data in the staff properties only shows 5 strings and there is no option to select 6 strings. So I suppose that's what the problem is - it looks like there is no 6-string instrument defined, even though there is a 6-string option in the drop-down.
I noticed a related issue: I tried editing the string data in the staff properties and it does not save - looks like that's a bug.
In reply to Aha, the string data in the… by polarbreeze
"it looks like there is no 6-string instrument defined"
Indeed, it's for why you have to add a string (eg from the 5-string defined) or two (from the 4-sting defined)
In reply to "it looks like there is no 6… by cadiz1
Oh OK - I'd assumed (wrongly it seems!) that if I selected a 6-string bass tab rom the dropdown it could create a standard 6-string bass tab staff without my needing to do any editing. But I see what's happening now - thanks all for the help.
In reply to Aha, the string data in the… by polarbreeze
I don't think there is a bug, check my file, it does have 6 strings defined.
The 6-string options is (mainly) for Guitar
In reply to I don't think so, check my… by Jojo-Schmitz
Where do you get (as on your attached file, "Basses") an Electric bass 6-strings?
EDIT: Ok, so, after re-read the comment, you have defined a sixth string.
In reply to Where do you get an Electric… by cadiz1
I made it up, from the 5-string bass, added the 6th string into string data.
Maybe we should get it added to the standard instruments.xml
In reply to I make it up, from the 5… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, understood. It was not clear at first glance.
"Maybe we should get it added to the standard instruments.xml"
I think so.
In reply to Yes by cadiz1
With the tuning from my example?
In reply to With the tuning from my… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes: B1/E2/A2/D3/G3/C4
In reply to Yes by cadiz1
OK, done, see https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/pull/3460
Would a Tab entry for this also be needed?
In reply to OK, will do by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, Tab needed as for 4 and 5 and strings electric bass.
In reply to OK, will do by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, Tab also - in fact that's the main reason
In reply to Yes by cadiz1
Yes - actually it would be goo to have two new bass tab instruments:
1. 6-string bass B E A D G C
Definition: same as standard 5-string bass but with an added low B.
2. 5-string bass with hi-C tuning: EADGC
Definition: same as standard 4-string bass but with an added high C.
But I hadn't realized how extensive the available editing is when I launched this thread - so maybe it's not a high priority.
In reply to Yes - actually it would be… by polarbreeze
Done, see updated PR https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/pull/3460
In reply to Done, see updated PR https:/… by Jojo-Schmitz
The 5 string guitar default tuning in Guitar Pro 7 is B E A D G and 6 strings is B E A D G C.
If I understand correctly, this PR would add E A D G C for 5 strings, correct ? Are we sure we want that ?
In reply to The 5 string guitar default… by [DELETED] 5
Yes, as requested.
In reply to Yes, as requested. by Jojo-Schmitz
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bass_guitar_tuning
In reply to See https://en.wikipedia.org… by [DELETED] 5
Which exactly describes all 4 bass variants (but calls the 5-str. High C one "tenor")
In reply to The 5 string guitar default… by [DELETED] 5
It's commonly used. Needs to be labeled hi-C to distinguish from the low-tuned version.
We could also use a Baritone guitar, which is tuned one fourth lower than a standard guitar, so: B E A D F# B
I suppose it's a question of what instruments deserve their own presets, versus tweaking an existing one.
In reply to It's commonly used. Needs to… by polarbreeze
OK, added Baritone Guitar to my PR
In reply to Done, see updated PR https:/… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hello, I am intensely interested in this conversation as I am trying to compose with tab for a Megatar, which is a tapping instrument with essentially a six string guitar and a six string bass side by side on the same fretboard, tuned BEADGC for both sides. I see that the change has been noted in the Github log(?) so I am wondering when it might be scheduled for release. Not sure exactly how that works.
In reply to Hello, I am intensely… by agfrag
The PR needs to get accepte3d and merged, if and when that happens if should be available in the next development builds for master and 2.2, and will then be available on the next release, 2.2 and 3.0, whenever these happen.
But until then you can easily create these instruments yourself, e.g. by starting with the sample file I attach further up
In reply to The PR needs to get… by Jojo-Schmitz
Most excellent! Thank you so much!
In reply to Most excellent! Thank you so… by agfrag
It is merged now, so the next development builds for master and 2.2 will have these additions
In reply to Aha, the string data in the… by polarbreeze
For clarification. Every instrument with string data has the same tablature options in the instruments dialog. It does not check how many strings are on the instrument. You can select Ukulele tablature for your bass guitar if you want. You just aren't likely to be very happy with the results.
In reply to For clarification. Every… by mike320
Yes, that's what I finally realized! not obvious for a novice user :)
In reply to For clarification. Every… by mike320
This is on purpose, as many instruments for which tablatures are used have more strings than tablature lines (most of the lutes, just to quote one).
so im new to using this software, so bare with me. i have a friend who plays a six string bass in an odd tuning. i figured out thru this thread how to change the strings on a staff, but everytime i apply it only seems to apply to the measure at hand and not thru the whole piece made? plus the staff lines still show notes in the red even though in the staff properties it clearly shows the range being lower or higher as the case may be. any clarification on how to apply a staff/tab string change to a full piece, or is it possible to create our own instrument variants to use instead of waiting on devs to create them?
In reply to so im new to using this… by Nait Rose Brooks
Changes to staff properties - including changes to string data - apply to the whole score. There isn't anything I can think that would cause it to affect the current measure only. Also, be aware that the range info is different from the string data, which is also different from the number of staff lines. So most likely you haven't quite set things up correctly. If you attach the score you are having problems with, and explain exactly what you are trying to achieve, we can assist better.