[solved] Beats don't match in different instruments

• Feb 19, 2018 - 14:00

While noting a duo for Violin and Cello I stumbled on a strange error: As you can see on the attached picture I have two instruments and identical melody and rhythm. Strangely the beats on the last notes don't match although they are entered in the same way (at least I hope ...).
The last note on the (upper) violin bar is set at beat 3.75 while the one at the (lower) cello bar is set at beat 3.

What did I do wrong / how can I chance this?

Thank you for your help

Attachment Size
Musescore beat error.jpg 12.5 KB


We'd need to see the real score, not just a (partial) picture of it
But I suspect that for one of those chords (and my bet is on the upper one) the horizontal offset had been changed away from default
Edit: forget that and show the score, please

What did you do wrong? I've seen people upload corruptions like this before, but I have no idea how they are created. The only thing you can do to fix it is delete the measure in the violin and reenter it.

In reply to by mike320

I don't know why this happened. Yesterday I created the file. When I opened it today it showed something about being corrupted (in another measure). I forgot about the corruption while working on it.
Now the corruption seems to be removed ...

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