Too many notes in one line

• Sep 6, 2018 - 23:36

when inputting a note in one starting point, the starting point moves forward. Moving back to the original starting point and inputting more notes results only in added notes(say original was one note, then add two notes to make three, not replacing the one note with the two new notes).
Continuing this results in an incoherent jumbled mass of notes.
What am I doing wrong?
Nick B.


In reply to by Nicholas Bernier

What note input mode are you using.

If using the computer keyboard, typing C, shift E, Shift G will give you a chord. If you type C backspace E, the E will overwrite the C. There is some info missing.

You always want to enter notes into voice 1. If you are using multiple rhythms at the same time you normally add the voices in order (2 then 3 then 4), but that's not what it sounds like you are trying to do.

I'm also having trouble understanding what you mean, but have your read the handbook or watched any of the tutorials to learn how to enter notes, chord, or multiple voices in MuseScore? Or, check out the following...

Click below for my Quick Answer on how to enter notes:

Enter Notes
Enter Notes

Click below for my Quick Answer on how to add notes to chords:

Add Notes To Chords
Add Notes To Chords

Click below for my Quick Answer on how to enter multiple voices:

Enter Multiple Voices
Enter Multiple Voices

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