Page Layout Controls

• Sep 14, 2018 - 22:52

This was a proposition for GSoC 2018 to implement Page Layout Controls.

I'm not aware of existing topics, but it might be a good idea to start discussion now.

Potential solution:

  1. Set line and page breaks (the parameters).
  2. Set Global Page Setting (to fit the largest system).
  3. Tick 'Increase size of less dense systems'.


In reply to by chen lung

I think each aspect should have it's own feature request since I suspect they will require different code for each part.

There is a request for the first page to be of a different size here: #124806: Allow "staff distance" on first page to differ from subsequent pages. that is related to but not totally inclusive of #2.

I'm not sure what the expectation for #1 is. How does it differ from Add/Remove system breaks?

In reply to by mike320

First paragraph: I don't know if it should/would be separate because of that reason.

Second: If I'm understanding correctly, I don't know if that issue should specifically mention a 'first and subsequent page' - you might want 1 and 2 to be the same and others different, for instance (i.e. the first system isn't necessarily going to be the largest in the score).

Third: They would be added by the user, as per now. All this said though, it might not be necessary, but it could help in some circumstances.

In reply to by chen lung

I agree that the first page is not always the only one that would need to be shrunk to fit all of the staves on a page, but the first system is almost always the largest because it is normal to show all instruments on the page. Currently, making this happen leads to a messy score on most of the following pages because you either have to shrink (reduce the scaling) for the whole score or greatly reduce the distance between staves. If you're not used to writing symphonic pieces you may not agree with this.

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