missing short cut key for "jump to start" after stop of play-back
during play-back the "pos1" key provoke a rewind to the beginning of the song (with direct restart of play-back)
I often stop playing a song and want to restart then, but pressing "pos1" does not move the play-back cursor but only move the score window to the top of the score.
There should be a possibility to define a short-cut key that behaves identical to the rewind button in the toolbar. Or re-define the "pos1" key to rewind - if there is no special need to keep the actual behaviour.
There is shortcut by default, but you can define one for this command and many others in Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts.
In reply to There is shortcut by default… by Marc Sabatella
I tried to do so, but with no success: the function is the same as before: no rewind after having stopped the player, but jump to start when pressing "pos1" during playback. See attachment for my settings
In reply to I tried to do so, but with… by Bacchushlg
I just tried with V3.0: here I achieved to redefine the the short-cut!
The shortcut "Player: seek to begin" is set to Pos1 for me, Windows 10, MuseScore 2.3.2 from the Windows store. Not 100% whether by default or set by me.
In reply to The shortcut "Player: seek… by Jojo-Schmitz
The same for me. But this "seek" only jumps to the begin during playback. So I removed this short-cut and redefined it to Player:rewind.
Ah, now I see (Home and Pos1 are the same key, in different languages)
In reply to The same for me. But this … by Bacchushlg
seems I did something wrong on my first test: the re-assignment of the key works.
So the issue can be closed - unless it should make sense to re-assign in this way by default...
und jetzt weiss ich auch, warum ich das zuerst nicht hinbekommen habe: die deutsche Übersetzung für "rewind" ist für den Button in der Icon-Leiste "an Anfang springen", während der Shortcut "zurückspulen" heißt. Hier wäre eine Angleichung sehr hilfreich...
OK, das kriege ich hin ;-)
Was wären die bevorzugten Übersetzungen?
"Rewind to start position", derzeit übersetzt mit "An Anfang springen " → "Zum Anfang zurückspulen"?
Überall anders ist (bzw. war) "rewind" mit "zurückspulen" übersetzt, nur hier nicht.
Updated translation should be available within an hour or so.
"zurückspulen" finde ich passend.