Bar time imported file

• Dec 2, 2018 - 10:22

The original was imported from IMSLP 231661

I saved and then uploaded again to get the time signature and clefs.

I was trying to remove the extra beats in the first bar ie reduce from 3/3 to 1/3

Then found the bar time does not match and is in 4/4.

Please find attached screen print.

It is on my wish list that when you remove two beats from the bar it removes the first two and not the last two ie it leaves the anacusis in place.

Attachment Size
bar properties.png 134.72 KB


The other way that also works in older versions is to first select and copy the beats you want to keep, then shorten the measure in Measure Properties, then paste the music back in. MuseScore has no way of guessing which beats you want to remove. Another method: split the measure then delete the first portion. IN 2.x, split is under Edit / Measure; in 3.0 you simply Ctrl+add a barline.

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