velocity offsets and velocity events list

• Mar 8, 2019 - 23:52

Does this look right? It seems like there is a counting rule going on. In the first case, I offset from the ff mark by -8,16,24,32,40,48. The events list notes the additive effect of repeated uses of the ff number 112.

The second case is similar but not as smooth or steep. I offset the second note of each measure -8 and added consecuitive marks every measure. I intuitively thought the first would behave like the second. Not so. Here are the velocity numbers.

1st 112,104,95,86,77,68,59
2nd 112,104,96,89,80,74,64

Attachment Size
Screenshot (15)_LI.jpg 1.07 MB
Screenshot (16)_LI.jpg 1.27 MB


If you want to get the exact Velocity value that you typed: select "User" option, instead of "Offset" (relative percent).

How is offset calculated?

for positive values:
value + ((value/100) * offset) // or value + (value * 0.offset)
example: original-value=80; offset-value=48
80 + (80*0.48) = 118.4 (118)

for negative values:
value - ((value/100) * offset) // or value - (value * 0.offset)
example: original-value=80; offset-value=-48
80 - (80*0.48) = 41,6 (42)

Attachment Size
velo.png 8.38 KB

In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

Hi, Ziya!!!

I know my question is out of this issue, but...

I think I discovered something that I want to change but I don't know how:

When I imported some score from an standard MIDI file (made with I don't know which software, because I downloaded it from Internet), when I play it MuseScore follows the dynamics which was recorded with the file (which is the expected, I guess).

But, when I selected all notes and reset the dynamics... Some section of some instruments are still played with that original dynamic.

It is like some "cryptic" MIDI order (I don't know what) is still there and is not changed by MuseScore.

How can I full reset all those dynamic MIDI parameters and recover the full control IN MuseScore? ???

In reply to by Shoichi

If you hear the file I attached, specifically at the bar number 440, 1st violins staff, you will be see that they should sound great (ff), but... Because some reason, there is not any change at that bar.

At bar 458, we have fff, but, again, there is no some audible change.

Also, hear , same staff (1st violins), bars 468 and up, and you will note that it seems to follow its own rule (not the written dynamics).


In reply to by jotape1960

You have tons of dynamics all attached to the same notes, which is making it very difficult to tell what is going on. Try for instance dragging the ff in 440 on the first violins, you'll another right behind it, and another behind that, etc. I would start by getting rid of all the extras, making sure the ones left are set to Part and not System, and then re-assessing the situation. I am actually hearing the ff at 440 just fine, though.

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