Creating part from voice 2 does not respect key changes

• Mar 10, 2019 - 18:09

I have a vocal score that has a soprano divisi in the last several measures, and I tried using the "Parts" feature to extract a "soprano 2" score. The score has several key changes before the soprano staff is split into "voice 1" and "voice 2". When I create a new "soprano 2" part with only voice 2 selected from soprano staff, the key-changes throughout the score are not created in the soprano staff in the new part, the entire staff remains in the original key of the score.


(I worked around the issue by recreating the soprano 2 part from the combined soprano staff, and manually deleting the voice 1 notes from the divided measures)

In reply to by mike320

Unfortunately I mangled that score with a series of editing mishaps and haven't had a chance to fix it yet, but I'll see if I can create a reproducible case later when I'm off work.

Separately, can anyone suggest the best way to extract e.g. a "full" soprano 2 part from a score that has only occasional soprano divisi measures (i.e. the extracted part should use voice 2 from measures that have a voice 2, but should use voice 1 from measures that only have one voice)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Not sure I understand, why invisible and silent rather than just deleting the voice I don't want in the individual part? The latter is what I ended up doing, but I was wondering if there was an automated way to accomplish this when creating the part from the combined staff, rather than manually editing measures in the extracted parts.

In reply to by mike320

I see... this sounds like exactly what I would want. Are you referring to item [#283564]?
(not sure the format for auto-linking, I mean

... ideally I would like this to be the (optional?) default, i.e. a measure should be considered "a2/tutti" unless I explicitly change it or add an add an additional voice to that measure. I believe this is the normal way to read a choral staff with occasional divisi measures?

In reply to by benjamincaryl1

In symphonic pieces, you must explicitly tell that a2 is expected. This is because instruments like the violin may play either divisi or a2 in sections with more than one note on a beat. It is expected that any ambiguous changes are explicitly designate. There are a number of situations where ambiguity may arise. Of course, what you expect is the same thing that happens on instruments like the flute and trumpet that can only play one note at a time.
BTW, your [#283564] is the correct auto link for the issue tracker only.

In reply to by mike320

Gotcha, thanks. Whatever the implementation, when editing vocal scores I would prefer to NOT have to explicitly flag every tutti measure. (Perhaps it could be a property of the Staff, and get set automatically when adding a new staff for specific instruments where that behaviour is the norm?)

(fwiw I did a brief search in the issue tracker and could not find any similar suggestion there)

In reply to by benjamincaryl1

I'm imagining something more like the way jumps (e.g. DC al coda) works with the option to allow for a3 & a4 for symphonic scores where 4 horns share a staff. Put a2 where it starts then div. where it ends and make it invisible if you don't want to see the div. This would also allow you to change the text if you have a score in German for example where you have "zu 2" and "get". The 4 horns is not the most common situation, but does need to be covered.

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