Removing Page Breaks Causing Crashes

• Mar 11, 2019 - 18:14
Reported version
S2 - Critical

Open Study in D Major.mscz

Attempt to remove any page break

Program then crashes

Attachment Size
Study in D Major.mscz 86.97 KB


Out of curiosity, did you try to right click and system break, choose select>all similar items then press delete? This was actually the first thing I did, and then I tried deleting individual page breaks, still with no problems. I hope a Mac user will see this and comment also.

The creation date leads me to believe it was probably created using 3.0.2 while the version reported in the score is 3.0.4. You description leads me to believe you are using the context menu (is that what pops up when you two finger click something?) and this does not lead me to a crash either.

Try to single click the item and press the (fn + or cmd +) delete, del or backspace button to see if you can get past the crash. As I said, I'm not a Mac user, but there must be a shortcut you can use. It seems that is the most important thing at the moment, but the crash needs to be fixed. I know it's too late to be fixed in tomorrow's update.

Thanks for the reply, I live out in the country, and don't have broadband at home to reply quicker at night. I tried the workaround that you suggested and it crashed the program in the same manner.

I could get a systematic crash with the 3.0.4, cda4080 by unzooming at 40% (I don't know exactly why), so as to include three pages in the screen. Like this.
three pages.jpg

The crash occurred when the second page break was deleted (which was now at the end of the first page)

Before that, I saw suspicious layout things a little further away (but seemed to fix themselves, more or less?)
page 2.jpg

  • In any case, with the same scenario, and many attempts, I can no longer reproduce with the latest development version. OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: dd3e685

I suppose it has been fixed somewhere these last days? (subject to verification)

Status needs info fixed

Thanks cadiz1, I'm glad you were able to test this. It is fixed in 3.0.5 which was just released, so I'm marking it as fixed.