What does Bis mean? Why does Bis appear after the neame of a Song in the Start Center?

• Jun 7, 2019 - 16:37

Good Morning!
What does Bis mean? Why does Bis appear after the neame of a Song in the Start Center?


Because you named the file that way? "Bis" is a French/Italian term for 'modified' or 'add-on' or some such. MuseScore won't do this on its own, I've seen @Shoichi naming modified files that way.

In reply to by jamminjan

You didn't name it because it's not your score - it one you downloaded from here, in the thread linked to above where soeone was helping with you a different problem. The person helping you named it that way, to indicate it was the second (Latin: "bis") version of the score.

Hard to say without seeing the title in context, but it could be German for "B sharp". That would be pretty unusual though. Anyhow, it would only show in the Start Center if it's actually part of the title, so it's a question best asked to the person who created the score.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Aaargh! I knew that. There are a few other translations Google will happily offer, but I guess German "to" is the most likely. Not sure how cool it is to end song title or other phrase with a preposition? In English it's frowned upon but not that uncommon, as per the famous comment often attributed to Winston Churchill that complaints about this are the sort of nit-picking "up with which I will not put".

Anyhow, again, if "Bis" shows in the start center, it must be part of the song title / file name. MuseScore doesn't add extra information.

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