My pro status has randomly disappeared with all my billing history? Please help.

• Feb 18, 2020 - 05:09

I purchased the year-long pro account option a while ago. For some reason, I logged in today and saw that my pro status has vanished and I can no longer upload sheet music, but it hasn't been a year yet. Furthermore, all of my billing history has gone too.

Despite, this, Musescore still tells me that I'm pro on the subscription page (Settings -> Subscription) and I am due to pay again in 2021, but I still can't use any of the features of Musescore pro.

Please fix this.

x.png is a screenshot of the subscription page.
y.png is a screenshot of the billing history page.

Attachment Size
x.png 164.07 KB
y.png 147.84 KB


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