
MuseScore 0.9

• 16 years ago

There are two new palettes, "Notes" and "Beam Properties". This palettes replace the "Note Entry Pad" which is removed in this release. Palettes operate via drag&drop but by first selecting an object and then double click on a palette entry they work like the old Pad.
Creation of new chords is now guided by a "New Score Wizard".
New implemented score elements are acciaccatura and appoggiatura grace notes. There is also a new line object which combines a text with

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MuseScore 0.8.0

• 16 years ago

MuseScore 0.8 better visualizes drag&drop operations, allows for small notes and rests and whole staves. Other enhancements are extended repeats and a more complete MusicXml import/export. New elements are horizontal and vertical frames to structure the score. The windows version now supports the integrated sequencer und software synthesizer.

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MuseScore 0.7.0

• 17 years ago

MuseScore 0.7 arrived: For the first time there is a Windows version but currently without sequencer and synthesizer. The new Version has many new functions like insert and delete measures, a better layout, new score elements like changable note heads, rehearsal marks, tremolo, measure repeats etc..
The sequencer now can play repeats. As always there are also bugfixes and new bugs.

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MuseScore 0.6.0

• 17 years ago

Today i uploaded the new MuseScore 0.6.0 release to SourceForge. This release features a mix of bugfixes and new features. New features are better MIDI import with automatic key detection and pitch spelling, and a new import data format: MuseData.

There are also some new symbols like arpeggio lines, breath markers, and text frames. Usability is enhanced with a new dock widget collecting all palettes. The symbol palette is now configurable with custom symbols imported from various graphics formats.

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MuseScore 0.5

• 17 years ago

MuseScore 0.5 released today!

  • integrated small default piano sound font for better "first use experience"
  • bracket editing with keyboard
  • nested system brackets
  • extended lyrics
  • subscript and superscript for text
  • irregular measures dialog
  • more cut&paste and drag&drop operations
  • better visual feedback for some drag&drop operations
  • the sequencer now interprets ottava and pedal lines. They are also exported to midi.
  • some line object can now span several systems (ottava, pedal, trill and hairpins)
  • as usual many fixes, enhancements and internal code cleanups
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release MuseScore: 0.4

• 17 years ago

After a long time we managed to get a new release out. Its another big step toward version 1.0. There are some new features and a lot of bug fixes and internal code cleanups. MuseScore now uses the cmake build system instead of "autotools" and the source code repository has changed from cvs to subversion.

To name a few features/enhancements:

  • configurable keyboard short cuts
  • Instrument names and text can contain musical symbols
  • added ALSA audio driver in addition to JACK
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release MuseScore: 0.2

• 19 years ago

Release 0.2 of MuseScore is a major feature release. Its based on the brand new Qt4 gui library using its features like antialiased screen drawings.

  • new elements: volta brackets, ottava lines (8va---) system brackets, pedal lines, trill lines
  • drag & drop from symbol panels
  • navigator panel
  • page layout preview
  • tabbed multiple document interface
  • Mscore now uses the unmodified project lilypond "emmentaler" font.
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