
Articles about MuseScore

• 14 years ago

I've launched a writing project aimed at raising interest and awareness of open source programs with applications in Music Education. Currently, it's found a home on The first 3 articles cover the latest stable release of MuseScore.

  1. A short review
  2. Part one of a project tutorial
  3. Tutorial part two

If anyone is interested, they can also follow on Facebook and on Twitter.

Thank you to the site admins here and on MuseScore's Facebook page for expressing their

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MuseScore User Group London

• 14 years ago

This is a call for the very first MuseScore User Group (MUG) in London. Werner, Lasconic and myself are coming to London for the Music Hack Day which takes place during the weekend of September 4 & 5th. We are in town few days before, so why not have a gathering for MuseScore users, for both starters and experts?

The MUG format is still open. It can be a MuseScore workshop similar to the one we had in Bordeaux earlier

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MuseScore is released

• 14 years ago

MuseScore bug fix release is available for download. Installation packages are available for Windows and Mac OS X. Linux users have to wait for their distribution maintainers to make a package.

During the past month, MuseScore development team has fixed 40 bugs on the MuseScore 0.9.6 code. You can find a list of bug fixes in the release notes. This release also comes with 3 new languages under translation: Hebrew, Slovenian and Basque.

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40.000 downloads in one month

• 14 years ago

Again a new download record: more than 40.000 downloads in one month. In total, MuseScore passed 520.000 downloads. Up to the million mark!

MuseScore passes 40.000 downloads in June 2010

As you can see in the image, a maximum of 2500 downloads was reached on the 9th of June. That is due to the release of 0.9.6. Quickly, it went back to it's previous level of ~1400 downloads per day.

For the next release, we expect another step in the growth of MuseScore with the implementation of

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MuseScore 0.9.6 released

• 14 years ago

We are proud to annouce the release of MuseScore 0.9.6, our best and most stable release up to date!
Downloads are available for Windows, Mac, Ubuntu and a Linux tarball.

This release comes with many new features, a lot of fixed bugs, new and updated translations, an improved plugin framework and many more improvements. Read more about new features in MuseScore 0.9.6 in your own language: English, Български, Ελληνικά, Français, Galego, Ialiano

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MuseScore 0.9.6 RC1 available for download

• 14 years ago

MuseScore 0.9.6 Release Candidate 1 is available for download. Packages are available for Windows and MacOS. As soon as there are Linux packages available, we will leave a comment to this post. As always, backup your work and uninstall your current MuseScore installation before installing RC1.

It has been little more than two months, since the release of MuseScore 0.9.6 beta 2. Seems like a lot of time, but that doesn't mean there wasn't any activity. On

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MuseScore 0.9.6 beta 2 released

• 14 years ago

MuseScore 0.9.6 beta 2 for Windows and Mac is available for download at
Please note that it is advised to uninstall MuseScore first before you install 0.9.6 beta 2.

What has changed

  • Many bug fixes
  • New F keys for Mac OS
  • The installation path has changed from "C:\Program Files\MuseScore 0.9" to "C:\Program Files\MuseScore".
  • The Windows installation file is 25% smaller in size due to a changed compression setting
  • The available handbooks in pdf have been updated. There are a
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Calling for Google Summer of Code

• 14 years ago

Google Summer of Code is a global program that offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source software projects. For the summer of 2010, the MuseScore developer team is looking for students who would like to work on MuseScore and meanwhile being mentored by a MuseScore developer.

When MuseScore gets accepted as a mentoring organization, Google will provide a stipend of 5500 USD per accepted student developer which is shared between the student and the mentor

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MuseScore meetup in Brussels at Fosdem

• 14 years ago

FOSDEM is a yearly event for open source users and developers. It's taking place this weekend in Brussels. So the ideal opportunity to meet up with each other. Update: 17:30-18:00 session

Will be attending for the whole weekend: Werner Schweer, Nicolas Froment, Thomas Bonte. If you come as well, reply to this post or add yourself to the Facebook event page.

In order to find each other, there will be a MuseScore BoF session in the

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MuseScore 0.9.6 beta 1 released

• 14 years ago

The first 0.9.6 beta release is available for download: Windows | Mac OS X.

Before you start testing, be aware that files saved using 0.9.6 beta do not open correctly in earlier versions of MuseScore. This is due to necessary changes to the file structure.

As always make sure you backup your scores before installing this beta release. If you encounter any issue, don't hesitate to report back to the forum or the issue tracker.

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