Day missing

• Mar 24, 2016 - 04:18
S5 - Suggestion

I've lost my files from the previous day.
I worked on song for about 4 hours, saved (clicked it multiple times to make sure), then logged off.
There was no do-you-want-to-save-your-work box.
Today, I've opened it to find that i have lost everything that I did with it yesterday. In fact, there is nothing at all in file history for Musescore being used yesterday. The files say that they were last opened 3/21 as opposed to 3/22. I know that I'm not just remembering the days wrong, I checked my browser history, and the song that I was listening to and transcribing is in my history, at the correct time.
It's not just a single corrupt file though- because the other piece I had been working on also said that the last date edited was 3/21.
I searched the forums, no one else has had this kind of problem- all of their missing and corrupt files have been caused by crashes, and fixed with the Musescore Autosaves.
I've checked the local files in Appdata- not even autosaves of the piece that day are there- there is just a lack of any work, autosaves and saves, on the day 3/22. I've checked the recycle Bin, all my document folders, the downloads folder, local disk folders, pictures, music, Musescore2 itself, every folder that i could actually find. Musescore has no records of anything happening on 3/22.
There was no crashing yesterday.
Musescore 2.0.2, Windows 8
The transcribing I had done yesterday was the best I have ever been able to put something down, and I don't even remember it. I won't be able to make it again.
Please help
