Continuous view: Improve accuracy of measure number display
In continuous view, the measure number (in light-blue) is left-aligned with the instrument name. The problem with this is that the number (#1 etc.) can often be 1-measure ahead of itself, so-to-speak, because the change in display number is triggered by the leading edge of the instrument name.
The Solution: Right-align the measure display number with the instrument name. Then it changes only when its leading edge hit the next measure. So it will always be in synch.
What about multiple instruments? Right align to top instrument or to longest?
Right-align to top-instrument (I guess). The point is to ensure that the displayed number is always the same as the measure it visually coincides with.
I would not change the alignment but instead fix this issue
the change in display number is triggered by the leading edge of the instrument name.
FWIW, I like the way Sibelius handles the numbers (click to animate):