Attempt to import Capella file freezes computer

• Jun 4, 2016 - 14:14
Reported version
S4 - Minor

Musescore 2.0.3
Ubuntu 16.04 + Win 10
Notebook: Intel Core i3, Intel HD Graphic

Zunächst möchte ich sagen, wie schön ich es finde, dass es den Capella Import gibt. Es gibt ja noch genügend alte cap. Files. Speziell geht es mir hier um Material zu den „Musikalischen Exequien“ von Schütz, das in der IMSLP verfügbar ist, Beispiele siehe Anhang.
Ich habe mit einer früheren Version von musescore schon mal aufgegeben (Programmabsturz) und war umso mehr erstaunt, dass sich jetzt die Partituren zu SWV 279 und 280 öffnen ließen. (Zwar mit ein paar Problemen, vor allem wegen Pausen, die konnte ich aber bereinigen.) Nur bei den .cap Dateien zu SWV 281 gibt es ernsthafte Probleme. Bei allen Dateien, bei denen ich es bisher versucht habe (Partitur, Mezzosopran und Basso-Continuo) ist mir der Rechner eingefroren. Nach Markieren der entsprechenden Zeile im Dateiverzeichnis – also noch bevor ich Öffen drücken konnte – friert der Rechner ein, Maus und Tastatur sind unbenutzbar; ich konnte den Rechner nur noch über den Ausschaltknopf abwürgen.

Vielen Dank für all die Mühe, die Sie sich mit Musescore geben!

I try to translate as best I can:
I start by saying how I like the Capella import. There are still plenty of old .cap Files. Specifically, I write here about .cap files of "Musikalische Exequien" of Schütz, which are available in the IMSLP, see examples in attachments.
I had already given up an earlier try with a older version of musescore (crash), and therefore was all the more surprised that now I could open the scores to SWV 279 and 280 (with a few problems, mainly because of pauses, but that I could clean up.) Only in the .cap files SWV 281 there are serious problems. At all the files I tried so far (Partitur, Mezzo-soprano and Basso-Continuo) my computer gets frozen. After selecting the appropriate line in the file directory - that is, before I could even press OPEN -the computer freezes , mouse and keyboard are unusable; I could only choke the computer by the power-off button.

Thank you for all the effort you give MuseScore!


When importing the file, a staff with numerator 0 (cstaff->numerator=0) and "invalid" denominator (cstaff->log2Denom=-1) is present as the first staff; this generates an invalid time signature fraction, which triggers an infinite loop at the score->getCreateMeasure(tick) instruction.
I think it is the "intonation" staff the culprit; if you can delete that staff, the file could probably be loaded (I can't check because I only have Capella reader, without editing features).

Is this an example of the standard way to create staves without time signature in Capella?

I don't have the Capella software, so I can't modify the file and can't answer the question.

I wanted to print this IMSLP-edition, but eliminate a few bugs (as octaves in SWV 281 in the baritone voice of the 2nd chorus) before that. Unfortunately, with the current MuseScore version obviously this is not possible.

The piece SWV 281 begins with a chorale-like intonation (without time signature and barlines). This is the same at the beginning of SWV 279. But that file - as already noted - opens with only minor problems. (A01_SWV-279-Partitur.cap.cap is too big for upload, but can be found in,_Op.7_%28Sch%C3%BCtz,_Heinr… "Engraving Files" Fritz Brodersen)

Should not MuseScore catch problems that lead to infinite loops?