incorrect default beaming with triplets and eighths

• Jul 21, 2011 - 05:01
S4 - Minor

This is with 1.1 prerelease 2 (build 4535). I no longer have 1.0 installed, but I think it was somewhat more logical, if still not ideal.

1) create new score
2) note entry mode
3) 4, ctrl-3, d, e, d, 4, c, b, a, g, f, e, d

Expect result: beamed as dedc ba gfed
Actual result: beamed as ded cba gfed

I believe 1.0 would have had the "c" all by itself, which is better than the beaming "cba".

Now, click the "c" and double click the middle of beam icon. The "c" is correctly joined up, but the icon still reads "A", when it should have changed to to the middle of beam icon.

Furthermore, if you have a keyboard shortcut defined for "beam mid", it doesn't work on this "c".


The default beaming in 1.1 is consistent with 1.0.
The fact that the icon is not highlighted after double click is not only for this particular case. It's in any case.

I no longer have 1.0 installed, so I have to rely on my memory. I'll take your word for it here. But still, the fact that the middle of beam shortcut doesn't work here seems new, no? It took a bit of fiddling to get the results I wanted in the measure I was working on, which actually began with a quarter rest, then two eighths, then the triplet, and then three eighths. I wanted the first two eighths beamed together, then the triplet and one of the remaining eighths, then the final two.

"I no longer have 1.0 installed, so I have to rely on my memory. I'll take your word for it here."

I have a method for flipping 1.0 and 1.1, and the beaming is as Lasconic says, the same as your "actual result".

Didn't mean to imply I actually doubted him :-). At least with respect to the original example. Could you check the one I mentioned in my previous reply - the version starting with a quarter rest? Can you get the beaming I describe just as easily in both versions? And are you saying keyboard shortcuts don't work for these examples in 1.0 either?

In 1.0 and 1.1 R4568 (fresh compile), I generated the sample you mentioned (5, 0, 4, c, d, ctrl-3, b, c, d, 4, d, c, b) and they are grouped in (c, d) (b, c, d) (d, c, b). Now click the second-last C and double-click the Start beam to break it. Now click the lonely D (third-last) and double-click the "Middle of beam" (or use the shortcut, which I set to ALT-B) to beam the triple and the next note (D). I believe that's what you wanted.

I never said anything about the shortcuts, working or not. I defined the beam-mid as Alt-B and it works fine as I used it in the above sequence.

I even tried your initial sequence (4, ctrl-3, d, e, d, 4, c, b, a, g, f, e, d) and used Alt-B on the C (4'th note), when beamed to the next note or not, and it worked.

When I click the second to last note and double click the "start of beam", it not only breaks the beam going in, but also the beam going out. So the last two eighth notes are not beamed. The only way I could find to restore the beam was to select the notes and then double click the "A" (auto).

However, my problem with the keyboard shortcut turned out to be the specific shortcut I had chosen. I set it up to be Shift-\, which on my keyboard is the "|" character. The shortcut registered as Shift--|, but it had no effect. Setting the shortcut to be something else, like "]", made it start working.

"When I click the second to last note and double click the "start of beam", it not only breaks the beam going in, but also the beam going out. So the last two eighth notes are not beamed."

Strange, I can't make it do that. I just did the sequence again under 1.0 and the last two eighths are still beamed. If I break the beaming on the last two, then select the last two and double-click A, the last three become beamed again.