Printing from MuseScore or exporting via a third-party pdf printer causes an unexpected result

• Sep 10, 2016 - 04:37
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

I am creating music for a beginner, and so I scaled up the staff size... but then it printed weirdly.

  1. Create a staff with only treble cleff, 12 measures. (Mine was for twinkle twinkle little star.)
  2. Click a measure, right click, Staff Properties, set the "Scale" box to 200% in the upper left. Tell it okay.
  3. Go to Format, General Style, Page, and set Max. system distance to 25.0sp.
  4. Fill in some music. I have 3 lines each containing 4 measures. Save the file.
  5. Then I used the "Note Names" plugin to put letters above each note. I put lyrics in as well. I did a small amount of custom alignment so they each looked nicer. Save file.
  6. Go to File > Print, and send to a printer. Receive extremely mis-sized print-out with lots of garbled and unreadable symbols.
  7. Go to File > Export and save as a pdf. Open the PDF and notice that while it's sort of readable, the note heads are still mis-sized.

I used MuseScore 2 earlier tonight to send the same kind of music to the same printer and it printed beautifully, so this seems to be a new bug in MuseScore 3.

GIT commit: 82a79cb

Attachment Size
Twinkle_Twinkle.pdf 20.59 KB
Twinkle_Twinkle.mscz 21.15 KB
bad_printout.jpg 202.78 KB


GIT commit 82a79cb / Windows7

To precise : the scaling (in staff properties) is not involved here. The problem is the export via a third-party pdf printer.

New steps:

1) "My First Score"
2) Enter four quarter notes
3) File -> Print -> Choose your third-party pdf printer, eg PDFCreator-> Print and Save/Save

Result when the pdf is loaded: disproportionate scale, wrong layout etc.

Priority given to: normal. Because the internal functionality of MuseScore, ie Export -> Pdf, works as expected, whatever the scaling.

Title Exporting a file via a third-party pdf printer causes an unexpected result Print a score in first intention, or by exporting via a third-party pdf printer causes an unexpected result

A variation of this issue (Print in first intention)

1) ) "My First Score"
2) Enter some notes
3) File -> Print -> Select (or not if default) you usual printer-> Print

Result: printed score very scrambled (see image in previous comments)

- Works by export first the file: File -> Export -> Pdf type -> Save
The loaded pdf is correct.

Title Print a score in first intention, or by exporting via a third-party pdf printer causes an unexpected result Printing from MuseScore or exporting via a third-party pdf printer causes an unexpected result